For an Organization

For an organization:

  1. Fill out, sign, and then scan form A-organization as a PDF file.
  2. Outline in general terms your organization’s activities in a PDF file. Any presentation style is acceptable—a link to your website may be enough. If you choose to send us your website, include the link in the PDF file.

Send both documents by email from the SEND AN APPLICATION page on the website. No paper applications will be accepted.

Form A


The deadline for applications is September 1st of any given year. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and final decisions will be made between September and December. All applicants will be notified of their status by email no later than January 31st of the following year.

At that time, approved applicants will know the amount of support. Cheques are mailed annually between June and September.

Applications that are declined can be resubmitted in the following year for reconsideration. Note that new applications are approved every year.

Cheng Foundation

The Yves & Gladys Cheng Foundation
is the result of Dr. Yves I-Bing Cheng’s
desire to promote Christian outreach.

Mailing Address

Yves & Gladys Cheng Foundation
P.O. 24506 West Hill
Montreal, QC
H4B 3A5

Email Address